Caotun Church Evangelism in Taiwan

Caotun Church is located in the middle part of Taiwan, it is one of the Pioneer Mission Movement (PMM) Projects sponsored by the Northern Asia-Pacific Division to plant a church in an unreached territory. Pastor Seo Jae Young was sent to this church some years ago. They started this church planting project by opening a Korean Cultural activities and Korean Language Class. Many young people were attracted to the church and a good relationship was established.

This year on November 21 to 26, the church conducted evangelistic meetings and invited Pastor Stanley Ng from the Northern Asia-Pacific Division as the speaker. At the same time, a Korean cooking class was conducted by the PMM pastors’ wives. Every evening, before the Bible message was presented, the Golden Angels, a singing missionary group presented a mini concert to the audience. An average of 40 to 50 young people came to the meetings every night.