Japan Union Conference's 11th Possibility Ministries Congress

In Japan, there are four voluntary support ministries within the Adventist Possibility Ministries: the visually impaired, hearing impaired, physically disabled, and the Okinawan group. These groups collaborate as an association to hold a joint congress every four years. After a seven-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 11th Congress was held at the Japan Union Conference Church in Yokohama from September 6 to 8, 2024. The theme was “Toward a Symbiotic Society, Bearing Each Other’s Burdens.”

Over 100 participants, including members from the four disability groups and their families, attended the event. The presence of Jeff Jordan, the Associate Director of Adventist Possibility Ministries at the General Conference, who is hearing-impaired, was particularly inspiring. His message about the value the Adventist Church places on Possibility Ministries resonated with many. Pastor Jeff’s presence and his personal journey inspired many individuals with disabilities. He also offered Possibility Ministries training to the disability groups and church members, further reinforcing his commitment and the importance of the ministry.

Hiroshi Yamaji, Executive Secretary of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, and Jacob Ko, Director of Adventist Possibility Ministries, also supported the conference and encouraged participants. Additionally, theology and nursing students from Adventist College in Japan were invited. They led the song service and volunteered to assist with various tasks throughout the event. This experience allowed young church members and Adventist students to become more familiar with the Adventist Possibility Ministries, bringing a vibrant energy and strength to the conference.

Lastly, as Japan is often referred to as a “super-aged society,” with nearly 30% of the population over 65 years old, the number of elderly, disabled, and sick individuals continues to rise, including within the church. To address this reality, the church must have a vision and take action to see the opportunities in reaching out to these groups, many of whom remain unreached. The Japan Union Conference, along with Japan’s Adventist Church and its institutions, urgently need prayers so that they may experience God’s blessings through Adventist Possibility Ministries.