A Touching Testimony from the Great Controversy 2.0 project in Taiwan

The annual missionary book, “The Great Controversy 2.0,” promoted by the General Conference, has been launched in Seventh-day Adventist churches worldwide since 2023. In Taiwan, part of the Northen Asia-Pacific Division(NSD), the book’s promotion has been carried out through close cooperation between the Signs of the Times Publishing Association(STPA) and the Taiwan Conference(TWC). These efforts include: introducing the book in local churches, establishing book clubs to nurture church members, and promoting the newly revised edition of “The Great Controversy” in over 600 public commercial bookstores across Taiwan. This initiative aims to spread the gospel to those who have not yet heard it, offering them the most precious gift from heaven.

The essence of literature evangelism is to ensure that the gospel won’t be confined to one place; where pastors and missionaries cannot reach, the power of literature evangelism can. For over 20 years, STPA has been dedicated to prison evangelism, frequently receiving letters of gratitude from both prison and inmates. Since 2023, aligned with the promotion of “The Great Controversy 2.0 Project,” STPA and literature evangelists have actively distributed “The Great Controversy” to over 40 prisons across Taiwan. Countless lost souls now have the opportunity to read this enlightening book, serving as a guiding light in the end times of the battle between good and evil.

In May, 2024, STPA received a short but earnest letter from a prisoner in Chiayi Prison, Taiwan, it is written as follows:

The letter from a prisoner in Chiayi Prison, Taiwan.

I’m writing to you from Chiayi Prison, where I’m currently serving time. I don’t have access to a computer, phone, or the internet. Since reading Ellen G. White’s The Great Controversy, I’ve become very interested in her other books like Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, The Desire of Ages, and The Acts of the Apostles. I’d like to request a copy of STPA’s catalog so I can buy these books from you. I’ll use a postal money order for payment, so please send me a few money order forms as well. By the way, is “Daniel and the Revelation” by Uriah Smith also published by STPA?

Please send everything to Zhang XX, Lukang Township, Chiayi County.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration. May God bless you!

This is a sincere and inspiring testimony, showing us how the Holy Spirit uses literature to spread the gospel from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. Although his body is imprisoned and he has lost his physical freedom, “The Great Controversy” has liberated his soul. His longing for the gospel is unmistakably evident in this Gentile. This is a beautiful testimony, as the Bible reveals in Colossians 1:27: “To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” May the Lord bless the Great Controversy 2.0 project to achieve its greatest impact, making those who read it become useful vessels for evangelism, swiftly spreading the message of the Kingdom to the ends of the earth until Jesus’ second coming.

Tony Chou, Manager of Signs of the Times Publishing Association.