MMF Holds Constituency and Annual Council Meetings

On November 8 & 9, 2011, local church leaders and members sent by the churches as delegates to the 7th Constituency meeting of Mongolia Mission Field, including support staff and missionaries, gathered at Ulaanbaatar Central Church to witness the session and to participate in the election of the new departmental directors and coordinators who will hold position for the years 2012 and 2013. The meeting officially opened with the devotional message given by Dr. Jairyong Lee, NSD President, who addressed the call for Revival and Reformation, which is currently the theme of our World Church. NSD leaders who were also in attendance include Elder Akeri Suzuki, Ken Osborn, Hang Ho Pal, David and Lyn Ripley. The above mentioned leaders took part in the scheduled worship and were actively involved throughout the entire meeting. On the other hand, administrative leaders of the MMF presented their 2-year reports, which were well received by the congregation.

During the election process of the nominating committee, as well as the presentation and approval of the new Executive Committee members, departmental directors and coordinators, everyone was intensely involved, but the outcome turned out positively. Changes are always inevitable, yet, they are welcomed with enthusiasm and a good spirit since all members share one goal – to spread the gospel of Christ. The Administration, together with the church leaders and the constituents, will dynamically work hand in hand to deliver and achieve our goal; for we all look forward to the day when Jesus comes and says, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. (Matthew 25:21, NIV)

In the year to come, Mongolia Mission Field will be served by the following:

Departmental directors:
Education/Communication department director – New MMF Director
Ministerial department director / PMM / Adventist mission – Pr. Bold Batsukh
Youth department director/ 1000 mission movement – Pr. Khan Ha Shik

Departmental Coordinators:
Sabbath School / Personal Ministry Coordinator – Pr. Nyamdavaa Dovchinsuren
Stewardship Department Coordinator – Pastor Nyamsuren Myagmar
Publishing Department Coordinator – Pastor Namjildorj Mandakh
Women’s /Children Department Coordinator – Purevdulam Jugderjav
Family Ministry /Shepherdess Coordinator – Uyangaa Bayarsaikhan
Health Department Coordinator – Bayanjargal Sandagdorj
PARL Department Coordinator – Adiyakhu Oktyabri