Category: NSD News

Five Local Conferences in KUC Held Constituency Meetings

     Five local conferences in Korea held constituency meetings at several locations. Local church leaders, and members sent by the churches as delegates to the constituency meetings of KUC gathered to witness the sessions.  They…

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Hong Kong and Macao Conference Pathfinder and Adventurer Camporee

The Youth Ministries Department of the Hong Kong-Macao Conference held a Camporee at Tai Tam Scout Centre from December 29, 2011 to January 1, 2012. In attendance were approximately 200 Pathfinders and Adventurers from 10…

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Pastor Chun Bu-kwon takes office as the 8th president of SDA Education

On December 29, 2011 at Seoul Language Institute Church, SDA Education held a worship service for the former president and the new president taking and leaving office with the following attendees: the KUC officials; SDA…

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2012 Golden Angels Mission Concert

  The Golden Angels batch 8 of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) had their music concert which was entitled “Harmony of Testimony” at the Bonbu church on January, 7th. This concert was a joint concert…

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PMM Missionary in Uganda invites His Hands missionaries from the US

PMM (Pioneer Mission Movement) Missionary Youngsik Ham invited His Hands missionaries from Washington-Spencerville Korean Adventist church, USA, for a very special Christmas mission event. Many people in Uganda go back to their hometown for Christmas…

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2011 Bible Olympiad

During the Sabbath afternoon of December 3, 2011, Mongolia Mission Field, through the initiative of the Youth Department, sponsored a contest named ‘Bible Olympiad’ held at Ulaanbaatar Central Church with more than a hundred people…

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MMF Youth Department Sponsored 3rd Music Festival

About three hundred Seventh-day Adventists from both the capital city and the countryside gathered at Ulaanbaatar Central Church on the 2nd of December 2011, to witness a display of talents among its members who participated…

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Students Join the Ranks of His Hands Mission Movement

   Students from Dongsung Academy and Wonju Sahmyook High School in Korea attended a dedication service for the 7th group of HisHands missionaries at Dongsung Academy Church on December 6, 2011. The ceremony started with…

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New Faces, Transitions at the NSD

   The needs of the work in the NSD have necessitated some staff changes. It is sad for us to say good-bye to Pastor Mark Jenneke and his wife Cindy. Pastor Jenneke has been serving…

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34th KUC Special Session Ended Gracefully

The Korean Union Conference held its 34th Special Session from December 12-13, 2011. It commenced with the theme “Revival, Reformation and Witnessing” and ended a day earlier. During the session, KUC officers reported on the…

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