Category: NSD News

World Church President Visits Japan and the Quake-stricken Area

   Elder and Mrs. Ted Wilson visited Hiroshima, Okinawa, Fukushima in Japan to preach the message of revival and to comfort earthquake victims, accompanied by Dr. Jairyong Lee, NSD President, Dr. Akeri Suzuki, NSD Secretary,…

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Dedication of the 10th Group of PMM Missionaries

The dedication service for the 10th group of PMM missionaries was held at Sahmyook University Church on October 29, 2011. About 500 attendees including Elder Ted Wilson, GC President and NSD Executive Committee members attended…

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NSD Annual Council

    2011 Annual Council of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division began on October, 28 at the NSD headquarter with the title of “Revival and Reformation”. All the union presidents and institution directors came to NSD headquarters…

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Hong Kong Macao Conference 34th Camp Meeting

Hong Kong Macao Conference held the 34th Camp Meeting in the period of 14-16 October at Po Leung Kuk Holiday Camp. HKMC invited the previous vice president of General Conference, Pastor Mark Finley and his…

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2011 AHCA Presidents’ Council Meets in Hong Kong

   The Adventist Healthcare Association (AHCA) hosted its 2011 Presidents’ Council at Hong Kong Adventist Hospital from September 27 – 30, 2011. As host, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital made arrangements for accommodation, meeting place and…

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NSD Mission Day

NSD workers and their families visited Seogwipo Church which is located in Jeju Island, the southernmost island of Korea for the 8th NSD Mission Day on September 20, 2011. Jeju is one of the most…

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NSD Officers and Directors Visit Adventist Training Center, Wonju Sahmyook Academy, and Nomok Observatory

   On September 15, 2011 officers and directors of the NSD including Dr. Jairyong Lee, Dr. Akeri Suzuki, Elder Ken Osborn, Pastor Stanley Ng, Dr. David Ripley, Dr. Barbara Choi, Dr. HongPal Ha, Elder Guimo…

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2011 NSD PREXAD Meeting

   The NSD PREXAD Meeting was held in Jeju Island from September 5 to 7, 2011. NSD officers and directors, Union presidents from Korea, Japan, China, and a director from Mongolia gathered together to examine…

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NSD ASI Convention

   The NSD Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI) held a convention and a general meeting with the theme “Forget not all His benefits” at Phoenix Island Resort, Jeju, Korea from September 1 to 4, 2011.…

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CLAP 2B successfully ends at the Central Philippine Adventist College

The Communication and Leadership Advancement Program* began its second run of four sessions over 2 years for a group of 32 leaders from all over the Northern Asia-Pacific Division territories in March 2011 on the…

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